Monday, September 30, 2013


OK what you need to be commonly referred to as a D.A.W this acronym means digital audio workstation it establish a computer audio interface sequencing software and speakers. A computer is naturally is a must if u want to make good music for better editing options you can actually produce good music with an kind of modern computer including laptops. The only different or difficult decision u have to make is what type of computer brand you want to use apple or PC both systems are widely used in many by professional and home studios artist. With both platforms to be honest  the software available  out now are for Moriarty for both platforms but really at the end of the day you should be the one to decide and feel comfortable about the the hardware you want to use MAC or PC .It doesn't really matter as long as u make good music content with it Don't buy a mac if u not use of using it music content u don't wanna waste time an money on something u could of left with out with . An audio interface is reliable your computer on board sound card is going to be garbed probably a Lil bit boating a mic & line input stereo out . Check out the m-audio for the use of audio interfaces there are a good product an that source if hardware whats ever hardware you use please pay attention to what you need and don't need that's for ready hardware that you are planing to buy in the future.I want to thank you on reading my article explaining basic hardware in music producing thanks again for reading my blog and have a good day.

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